
DXN Code Strike it for fuel and we don't want that we

DXN Code Strike  it for fuel and we don't want that we want to preserve the muscle that we're working hard to sustain in her body I mean want our bodies to burn the fat and the carbohydrates instead so um you know hmb branched chain amino acid helps your body keep muscle mass while you're working out and HMV can also help you put on some muscle mass also but good supplements that I take okay next okay vitamins supreme this is another product by Avena originals it's a multivitamin I take another multivitamin vitamin uh right after my workout but I usually just taking one of these before I always want to make sure that I my body gets more than what it needs I never want to be at a deficit I always want to make sure that I'm operating at the highest level possible and I train a lot you know I do my workout everyday I do cardio everyday as well so and I don't take a lot of days off either so my body needs to recover I want to make sure that it can recover the best w...

DXN Code Strike video blog just to my diet from

DXN Code Strike  video blog just to my diet from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed exactly what I'm fueling my body with to lose body fat because that's my goal right now to lean out but the same can be slower release of energy so I like to have simple sugars before my workout for an immediate source of energy my body can burn it as fuel right away and then also having some more simple sugars carbohydrates right after my workout as well which will help my body absorb the protein and everything and and we just kind of reload my body on a lot of the glycogen that was lost during my workout so again I'm not going to go into the details of all this sort of stuff but I have one banana before my workout and in terms of supplements there's a lot of them here that I take so first I will mention that my protein that I take right here I put it in a shaker cup with some more alkaline water and I add to that one scoop of the protein I put in one a 1 teaspoon or 5 grams...

DXN Code Strike to support that and that's basically

DXN Code Strike  to support that and that's basically at a caloric deficit and that's basically how your body will lose body fat being at a caloric deficit I'll do another video blog that goes into weight loss and everything a more detail but so it's more to understand I'm on a 2,000 calorie diet which is for me the macros about 200 grams of protein each day 200 grams of carbohydrates and about 40 grams of fat now one tablespoon of Buddhist oils is 14 grams of fat and so I don't have too much fat in my diet right now but I do have a day a week where I do much higher calories as well as a refeed day okay now I'm not going to again go into the whole details of that I've got a certain coach that I work with and I'm just following his program but of course there's a lot of other ways that your body can lose fat as well but this is just what I'm doing so it's just important to keep that in mind but I take that we do so one tablespoon first thi...

Alpha Testo Boost X myself for an example let's say

Alpha Testo Boost X   myself for an example let's say that I weighed 180 pounds at 5:2 and I'm overweight mostly body fat I would not want to eat 180 grams of protein even though that's probably what a traditional macro anabolic steroids the peds that sat in the other and it's just now that they're saying they're not but it's like their program is not gonna get you there you know so you have to be a realistic with your goals and with your expectations of yourself and this also kind of relates back to not comparing yourself to somebody else because you don't know where they are in the product in the process you know the steroid thing it is what it is I'm not saying that certain people are certain people are not calling anybody out I just want you guys to be aware that it does exist and it exists in pretty much every sport in from the NFL to the MLB to CrossFit to powerlifting non-tested federations bodybuilding I mean don't be ignorant to those ...

Alpha Testo Boost X passion and commitment so

Alpha Testo Boost X   passion and commitment so it's it's been really like a blessing out brother to her and then we really got into like in today's day and age the hardest thing about social media while it does provide so many different to other factors but for the most part you have seen me gain a lot of weights size and strength over muscle mass because for example if you're somebody that's really overweight and you are I'm just gonna use you to realize that it's out there and sometimes people use that to their advantage to sell their are you know those type of people who truly have genetic predispositions to help them build muscle and of course men have more testosterone than women so obviously they will put on muscle easier say that relatively because there are the exceptions and people who don't but for the most part there's not a one-size-fits-all and I think that's the most important thing that I could stress you guys is that there'...

Alpha Testo Boost X sport a strength sport you're looking

Alpha Testo Boost X   sport a strength sport you're looking to get stronger in the Olympic movements snatch and the clean and jerk as far as CrossFit goes that's kind of a mix of both plus metabolic conditioning plus gymnastics so if you're looking for like a full rounded type of program I would suggest CrossFit but I'm also kind of biased because I personally love CrossFit but to each their own whatever works for you and again there is not one specific way of training that is for muscle gain or for fat loss do you have to go through bulk and cutting cycles to gain muscle how long should a book last so the thing with this is that it is gonna depend on your comfortability with bulking and how long ideally you want to bulk four times this has something to do with if you're bulking for a competition or you're bulking for just whatever there's no specific time that is better I have done bulks that have lasted eight weeks which is on the short side for me and I...

Alpha Testo Boost X in the event that they gained more than

Alpha Testo Boost X   in the event that they gained more than they wanted to they would just be probably better off reducing weight training and focusing more on body weight movements cardio longer endurance style things while reducing caloric intake as well because like I said when you lose fat you will lose some muscle just in general can follow you for a long time and just notice that recently you've gained so much muscle did you up your calories and if so can you be specific with your percentage of increase okay this is a great question as well and I do want to touch on this because I think what happens with bulking and this is just from my experience I gained like I don't know 10 pounds maybe from October to the end of December be January and people were saying that I looked fat that I was puffy and then when I lost that fat because after I was done bulking I slowly transitioned into more of a maintenance state but I also increased my CrossFit and metabolic conditioning ...